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Prospective Study of Lacunar Infarction Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Stroke 21:546-554, Hommel,M.,et al, 1990
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Article Abstract
Using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging,we prospectively studied 100 patients hospitalized with a lacunar infarct.Our aim was to evaluate the capabilities of magnetic resonance imaging in the detection and delineation of lacunes in a project of clinicotopographic correlations.Seventy-nine patients had a classic lacunar syndrome,35 had pure motor stroke,26 had ataxic hemiparesis,seven had sensorimotor stroke, and 11 had pure sensory stroke.A miscellaneous group of 21 patients had less typical lacunar syndromes,primarily with brainstem signs and symptoms.Among a total of 153 lacunes,magnetic resonance imaging detected at least one lacune appropriate to the symptoms in 89 patients.In 16 patients at least two lesions correlated with the clinical features,and precise clinicotopographic correlations were possible in 68 patients. Magnetic resonance imaging was more effective when it was performed a few days after the stroke.lesions causing different types of lacunar syndromes had significantly different volumes,suggesting that the size of the lesion may influence clinical features.Magnetic resonance imaging may be the imaging technique of choice in the study of lacunar syndromes.
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