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Precipitous Deterioration of Motor Function, Cognition, and Behavior
JAMA Neurol 74:591-596, Fernandez-Fournier, M.,et al, 2017

Tau Forms in CSF as a Reliable Biomarker for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Neurol 71:1796-1803, Borroni,B.,et al, 2008

Niemann-Pick Disease Type C: Two Cases and an Update
Movement Disorders 15:1199-1203, Uc,E.Y.,et al, 2000

Thalamic Hemorrhage:A Prospective Study of 100 Patients
Stroke 26:964-970, Kumral,E.,et al, 1995

Psychosis as the Initial Manifestation of Adult-Onset Niemann-Pick Disease Type C
Neurol 45:1739-1743, Shulman,L.M.,et al, 1995

The Clinical Features & Natural History of the Steele-Richardson-Olszewski Syndrome (Prog Supranuclear Palsy)
Neurol 36:1005-1006, Maher,E.R.,et al, 1986

Thalamic Hemorrhage:A Computed Yomographic-clinical Correlation
Neurol 27:217, Walshe,T.M.,et al, 1977

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy-Case Study
NEJM 293:346, Richardson,E.P., 1975

Case Records of MGH-NEJM 286:1047
1972 Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy., , 1972

Corticodentatonigral Degeneration with Neuronal Achromasia
Arch Neurol 18:20-33, Rebeiz,J.J.,et al, 1968

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